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Who is using the guidelines? 

Here you can read some case studies of organisations using the guidelines. 


Examples of Using Listen Include Respect

Here, you will find examples of how Listen Include Respect has been used in different pieces of work. 


These examples can help you learn what works, see examples of easy-to-understand materials, and understand how to include self-advocates in practice. Click the example below to find out more. 

Making a website

To make sure the Listen Include Respect website was easy to use, a Reference Group of self-advocates worked together to give advice on the menus and layouts, language and illustrations. 


Project to hear from girls with intellectual disabilities

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Inclusion International and the International Rescue Committee are working together on a project about making sure that humanitarian work includes girls with intellectual disabilities. The project follows Listen Include Respect guidelines. 

The Listen Include Respect Guidelines were created with financial support from:

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©2022 by Inclusion International & Down Syndrome International

For more information: 

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